
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 6: We Are One People

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

Parents, they provide their all for their children. The relationship and connection between a parent and a child is represented in this book. The tree simply wanted the boy to be happy and the tree gave everything it had to achieve this. The boy took it for granted much like how kids take for granted all the sacrifices parents make for them. It took the boy all his life to realize that all he really wanted was support and for someone to love him which was exactly what the tree did. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and remembered it from my childhood days. It can be told to people of all ages and for many different purposes. We discovered multiple underlying themes in class as a whole.

Learning Experience
Newberry College's website is and since i filled out the CERRA paperwork, Newberry College has already created a profile on me. They have less than 1,000 undergraduates enrolled and over 200 of those people are majoring in some form of education. There is currently no Strings program which almost offended me since I play cello. Music is such a big part of my life that even though i may not pursue it as a major, i would continue to play in ensembles throughout my life. I thought that the feel of the campus was not as enthusiastic as I would like it to be, but when we went to Newberry Faith was very enthusiastic. I am not considering going to Newberry College, but i think that it is the right place for some individuals.

Current Event
The 2012 International Summit on the Teaching Profession was held in New York City. In 2013, it will be held in Amsterdam. Teachers from all over the globe were celebrating World Teachers' Day. The theme was  "Taking a stand for teachers!" Educators met with students to encourage them to become teachers, holding rallies and leading discussions about the strengthening the teaching profession. In 2011, leaders in the US Department of Education met with peers from around the world at the First International Summit on the Teaching Profession. As a result, the Department created the RESPECT project. Over 3500 teachers provided input into the RESPECT vision statement for strengthening and elevating the teaching profession in the United States.

Quote of the Week
“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.” ~ Umberto Eco

It is the simple things that people teach us that have the greatest affect. In this day and age, our success is not determined by our level of education past high school. It is, however, your experience and your abilities. The wisdom adults instill in us provide us with the knowledge that will benefit us later in life. Who shot Abraham Lincoln will not be of great concern later on in life, but how to tie a secure knot may prove life-saving. I prefer learning things on my own rather than being disciplined to learn. You can know everything in the world but not be successful  because you never knew how to you that information. 

This week was a very long week. We had multiple in depth conversations and on Friday we talked with a Teacher Fellows lady. On Thursday, a lot of stress was relieved and a lot of issues were brought to light. I can honestly say, it was very beneficial and it made us feel closer as a group. I know it may have been awkward for a couple students, but for most it was eye-opening and reflective. We know how difficult life can be at times and sometimes we just need some support. And the giving tree also helped provide us with this connection. Every single person in our class has a purpose in life and we are there for each other. We learned, as a group, that it is okay to sometimes cry about our own situations because it means you care and you want to be your very best.