
Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 5: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn

"Black Cat" by Christopher Myers
ISBN: 0 - 590 - 03375 - 1
Our first book in poetry form read aloud in class. Asia did a good job emphasizing the rhyme scheme and making everything more dramatic. It was about a homeless black cat that roamed New York at night. So wherever he ended up was his home. It reminded us of how New York is a city that never sleeps and the idea of kids who feel leftout so they avoid social interactions. The graphics were very dark and almost scary. Also, black cats are unlucky and people avoid them, so that may have had a deeper/hidden meaning.

Learning Experience
We learned about another theorist and his idea of stages in cognetive development.  We also presented a few of our large books which we had drawn and illustrated some of the reasons that children do not learn too well. It is because their mind and their hearts are focused on other matters such as grievance or divorce or neglect. It can really prohibit a child's learning and teachers have to be ready to help in whatever way they can. I did mine on the latchkey child because i often had to be home alone because of the age difference between me and my siblings. The smallest difference in age is 10 years so even she was off to college when i was headed to the 4th grade. At such a young age, I had to develop independence and I believe that is why i still have such a independent streak in me. I do everything on my own and I don't worry about stressing other people when I'm really the only one that needs to be stressed out.
Current Event
 Dozens of children in Louisville, Kentucky were taken to the hospital after their school bus collided with a car and then rolled onto its side. 50 people were taken to four different hospitals, but of the 50 only half actually had injuries. The rest were simply taken as a precaution. There were 3 people of the 50 in the Mustang that collided with the school bus. Apparently rain was falling when the mustang, occupied by three high school students, ran into the bus at an intersection. This accident took place this morning, reports say.
Quote of the Week
"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." - Martin Luther King Jr.
What I got from this quote is that education is so much more than book smarts. Teachers and educators try their best to make their students better people, knowledgable but also able to apply it as well. Being educated does not always mean you simply know all the facts.  Martin Luther King Jr. was a very wise man and he believed that you could make wrong things in life right by using your knowledge and education. He also believed that the reason many things were wrong in life was because people based concepts and beliefs on ignorance. It was the future generations' job to improve this situation, therefore it should be the goal of all teachers. 

My favorite day this week would have to be Friday when I brought in the doughnuts and we played childhood games. These games included Legos, Phase 10, Operation, and Play-Doh. I was at the table with the Phase 10 cards. I hadn't played the game in a while, but Ms.Benton quickly refreshed my memory on the rules. It was very intense after about 1 round and we never fully finished the game. I was in the lead at one point by a lot, but with that kind of card game that status can easily change. It reminded of how I kind of missed out as a kid with those kinds of activities because all my siblings were much older. I never really had anyone to play many card games with. My siblings and my mom tried their best to play as much as they could, but it wasn't the same as playing with someone my age. I did have a nic collection of games, however, but then we put them in storage and eventually got rid of them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 4: To Inspire, To Achieve

The Ugly Duckling adapted by Sarah Toast
ISBN: 1 - 4127 - 6332 - 0

I read the book to the few people in class and it was about a swan growing up in the wrong home. Somehow his egg ended up with a group of duck eggs and therefore he felt different. His peers thought he was ugly and clumsy so they bullied him and he eventually ran away. As he grew up, he ignored the teasing and tried to be independent. He eventually lost his feathers and grew into a beautiful, strong white swan.

Learning Experience
The Newberry College trip let me go on my first college visit. I had never really seen a campus and the fact that it was all out becoming teachers when we grow up made it even better. The campus is rather small and very historical. The class sizes range from 5 people to 25 people at most. That is very small compared to larger schools such as USC or UGA. My goal is to go to the University of Georgia and be in the Air Force Reserves. While attending school I want to major in International Affairs, therefore I will have to become fluent in either French, Italian, or Spanish.

Current Event
The more they burn, the more they learn. It is proven scientifically that the more physical activity children participate in, the more they learn. Here are the key facts for allowing kids to have more physical activity:
  • Strong bones and muscles: Helps build and maintain healthy bones and muscles.
  • Reduces the risk of obesity: Helps reduce the risk of developing obesity and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer.
  • Makes kids more confident: Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety and promotes psychological well-being.
  • Improves academic performance: May help improve students’ academic performance, including, academic achievement and grades, and concentration and attentiveness in the classroom.

  • Quote of the Week
    "The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts." - C.S. Lewis
    The job of all teachers is not to consolidate and shape what a child has already come to know but to expand their horizons and allow them to learn more than they ever imagined. When you irriagate a desert, you make it fertile. When you cut down a jungle, you make it bare and leave stumps, the remnants of what was once alive and frowing. Children have their own concepts and misconcepts about all subjects. You should not change this, but foster it.
    This week seemed shorter than the rest, but I believe that was because of movie time on Thursday and the field trip on Friday. I really liked the trip on Friday. I know it was a little boring and we did not learn much, but I still enjoyed myself. I wish we could have done some kind of cheer rather than be the only school without a cheer. Maybe we can go on another field trip by the end of the semester. 

    Saturday, September 22, 2012

    Week 3: Take a Stand. Lend a Hand.

    Franklin Rides a Bike by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark
    ISBN: 0 - 439 - 040 - 78 - 7

    Some of the themes of this book include: never give up, not everyone is great at everything, and a mother's love is above any other love. Franklin and his friends constantly ride their bikes to the lake and other places. As they grow up, his friends take off their training wheels before Franklin. Franklin is upset because he doesn't think he can do it even though it seems so easy for his friends. His mother gently encourages him and gives him the courage he needs to keep trying until he gets it. She helps him understand that there are all kinds of things that Franklin is good at that his friends struggled to do. The main thing he needs to never forget though, is to never give up.

    Learning Experience
    In life, there are things that can be disruptive to a child's learning. This can be lifestyles, life events and so on. This includes latchkey children, death in the family, and bullying. This can affect how well a child learns in and out of the classroom. With grievance, there are four stages in which a person goes through until they have healed. This distracts the child from learning and makes them need a little more attention in the classroom. It will be hard for them to focus and they need for the teacher to understand it is difficult for them. Teachers need to be aware of all situations to help better their classroom and make sure learning is taking place.
    Current Event
    Following up on my current event last week, the Chicago Teachers' Strike alsted multiple days until the mayor asked government to intervene in favor of the teachers. They did not believe the passing rate of their students should determine if they have a job any longer. An agreement has been arranged but it does not fit all the needs and has yet to be passed by the union that is representing the teachers.
    Quote of the Week
    "Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." ~ Malcolm X

    With the future comes more technology and more advancements in the way in humans think and the way they do things. By educating yourself everyday and thinking outside of the box, you are preparing yourself to be successful in the future. Education is, once again, power. Education will get you farther in life than most other things. So, therefore, people should cherish education, take it more seriously, and put effort into bettering yourself.

    While at Forest Lake, I interacted with a few special needs kids and to be honest i really enjoyed it. In my opinion, those kids are the easiest to show love and affection to. They need you to hold their hand and support them a lot more. You will mean a lot more to them as well. In the class i saw the teacher fully engaging the students and congratulating them as well. Although the job may be a little more difficult than an ordinary teaching job, you can tell that it is well worth it. I like helping kids with special needs and they are just like any other kids. 

    Even though I may not be a teacher when I grow up, I can say that I enjoyed the experience of visiting the Special Ed classes at Forest Lake Elementary. i know I have not been in other classes with other kids observing them, but i know it will not nearly be the same when i do. Their behavior, their reaction, everything will be different. I don't know whether or not it will be beneficial or not and that's okay. This whole experience is about trying new things and lending a hand.

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Week 2: Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader.

    Chester's Way by Kevin Henkes
    ISBN: 0 - 688 - 154 - 72 - 7

    Some of the themes in this book were bullying, friendship, acceptance, and identity. Lily was new to the town and the two best friends wanted nothing to do with her. She seemed too weird and too different from them. They were set in their ways and they didn't want to change that. In actuality, even though she was different from them, she was also very similar. They had many of the same interests. Once Lily helped save the day from the bullies, they accepted and came to truly like her. You should never judge a book by its cover and sometimes our weaknesses or characteristics can prove to be our strengths.

    Learning Experience
    With the word games we played in class, i realized that i can understand how those children often feel when introduced to new things. When simple things seem so complicated, it makes an individual feel frustrated or pressured to understand. It can also make you feel separated from the rest of the class, slow, or even dumb. I created a level of simplicity in regards to children now and how i might go about teaching them. I look at special needs and special education in a whole new light. I am excited to go to Forest Lake to work with the special needs classes.
    Current Event
    Chicago teachers are expected to take their picket signs to the road September 10th as tensions boil. This past weekend there were marathon negotiations that failed. The issues at hand are pay, job security and evaluations. The strike is supposed to involve around 25,000 teachers and staff. Supposedly some 400,000 Chicago students will be effected by this strike. Labor unions including those that represent teachers have seen their numbers decrease recently and their power wave under attacks from Republicans (i.e. MITT ROMNEY). Chicago is the nation's third largest school district. Chicago officials said at a press conference today that they had made over 20 offers to the union but they apparently did not meet the needs of the workers. This strike appears to affect the election and conventions within the nation. Teachers represent a large number of donations and they are the main ones to vote and believe in reform.

    Quote of the Week
    "Children must be taught how to think, not what to think." ~ Margaret Mead

    Rather than tell kids what to think and what to do, teachers should teach kids to express themselves to the best of their abilities. Children have the best and brightest minds. Their imaginations have no limits. They see what most adults don't see. It is easier for them to understand concepts and ideas if you put it in simple terms because they don't know better. A young adult or an adult is often set in their ways with how they think so it is more difficult. Teachers should not emphasize what to think and how to feel about certain things, but they should encourage children to express how they feel and think long and hard about things.

    Puppet shows and books read aloud help students understand concepts better and make it more visual. It makes it easier to get across morals and themes. It also allows teachers a break from the normal routine. When we created our own puppets and had to create a show, it took a lot of effort to make it be simple and comprehendable to younger kids. It allowed us t really think about what we were saying and how we could convey the message we had decided upon. Overall, the puppet show is an innovative and creative way to share creativity, team work, and relaxation.

    I enjoyed this week's activities and i think that i have learned ti choose my words wisely. If i want to express something to a child, it has to be a lot simpler than if i were telling someone of my own age. I liked class this week and i thought Melanie's quote was pretty inspirational. I almost felt like it was mainly me expressing how i felt and then Melanie and a few others occasionally saying a comment or question. I like communicating with others how i feel and seeing how they react to it. I am an emotional person, and i have come to really realize that in Teacher Cadet. I also realized this week, that i above all else, am a procastinater. 

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Week 1: The Jounrey Begins

    Read Aloud
    Silly Chicken by Rukhsana Khan
    ISBN: 0 - 670 - 05912 - 9

    This book addressed the idea of attachment and how it affects your relationships with other people. These attachments may have been created for different reasons, but the end result is that you tend to "love" these people or things more strongly. I would use it in a 4th grade class to help kids understand the difference between attachment and dependence. The mention of the dad's death and the mom's special treatment towards the chicken made me believe that the mother had become attached to the chicken as a way to deal with her grief. This, however, was unfair to the daughter because rather than being loved by her mom and depending on her, she simply felt alone. This books could also be used with young kids to introduce grief.

    Learning Experience
    Our discussion on what makes a teacher "great" helped me actualize some of the things I could do to make sure I am doing all I can to help children achieve all five levels of needs within the classroom. The way you great students can often be the key to unlocking the door to success. Most kids want to feel love, hope, and determination from their teachers. They need love to make them feel wanted and cared about. They need hope - the teacher's high expectations - which pushes the kids to do their very best. And they need to feel a sense of determination from their teacher so that they know the teacher will do whatever it takes to make sure they succeed.

    Current Event
    Gabrielle "Gabbi" Swainson

    Who is she? She is a 15-year-old cheerleader from Ridge View High School who suddenly went missing from her home and has captured the hearts of so many locals including myself. No one knows how she was taken from her home, but officials do not that there were no signs of struggle. Tips have led police to the so-called boyfriend of the mother who had access to the home and Gabbi's DNA was found at his house. Suspicions, however, surround the mother's whereabouts and her involvement in her daughter's disappearance. Children across Columbia mourn over Gabbi and realize that we are not promised tommorrow. Lessons are beign taught throughout Columbia about the importance of safety and how to reduce your chances of being abducted. This case has gone national and has even gained the involvement of the FBI. Everyone hopes and prays that Gabbi is okay, but as more and more time passes, people's hopes fade.

    Quote of the Week
     "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -
    Nelson Mandela

    Education equals knowledge and therefore education equals power. The main goal in life is to educate the uneducated and change the world. This quote was important to me because it made me reflect on what the human race has achieved and has yet to achieve. We strive, as a population, to invent new things and successfully do things that were once considered impossible. The technology we have discovered has allowed us to do so much and solve so many problems. The quote canalso reflect that education can be used in a negative manner such as in Hitler or North Korea's nuclear weapon case. Education will always mean power because it elevates all that you know and allows you to do so much more in the world.

    In regards to music and how it affects a student's work ethic and concentration, it depends solely upon each individual. Although listening to music while doing works improves my focus, the same cannot be said for some of my peers. And thus it is difficult for a teacher to decide if they will allow students to listen to any devices while doing work or simply dismiss the idea. Anyone can see the idea of discrimination be disputed if the teacher were to consider allowing such actions for only some of the students. Younger students are often less likely able to focus because their brains are still maturing.

    I have come to realize that my needs in the classroom are not quite similar to others. I need affection above all, above one on one time, above what other students ask for from a teacher. I need to be able to talk about my outside life and i honestly need you to take an interest in what i have to say. I want the teacher to be proud of me, i want them to be excited to hear my stories. But most of all, i want them to give me advice even if it's not quite what i want to hear. When i have such a connection with a teacher, it allows me to not focus on my outside life, but to move on and focus on what takes place in the classroom. I learned that even though Mrs.Sabau and i had our ups and downs she was the best teacher i have had in high school thus far. She constantly reassures me of how smart i am but that i don't apply it because i apply it to work and other things. She knows how tired i am and she knows that math concepts are just "something i get" without actually having to work for it. She knows my needs for learning successfully and that means not in the morning. She listens to my life stories and she gives me the time i need to get to where i need to be. Although she is sometimes tough on me, i know it is because she genuinely cares about me and believes i will be successful.