
Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 2: Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader.

Chester's Way by Kevin Henkes
ISBN: 0 - 688 - 154 - 72 - 7

Some of the themes in this book were bullying, friendship, acceptance, and identity. Lily was new to the town and the two best friends wanted nothing to do with her. She seemed too weird and too different from them. They were set in their ways and they didn't want to change that. In actuality, even though she was different from them, she was also very similar. They had many of the same interests. Once Lily helped save the day from the bullies, they accepted and came to truly like her. You should never judge a book by its cover and sometimes our weaknesses or characteristics can prove to be our strengths.

Learning Experience
With the word games we played in class, i realized that i can understand how those children often feel when introduced to new things. When simple things seem so complicated, it makes an individual feel frustrated or pressured to understand. It can also make you feel separated from the rest of the class, slow, or even dumb. I created a level of simplicity in regards to children now and how i might go about teaching them. I look at special needs and special education in a whole new light. I am excited to go to Forest Lake to work with the special needs classes.
Current Event
Chicago teachers are expected to take their picket signs to the road September 10th as tensions boil. This past weekend there were marathon negotiations that failed. The issues at hand are pay, job security and evaluations. The strike is supposed to involve around 25,000 teachers and staff. Supposedly some 400,000 Chicago students will be effected by this strike. Labor unions including those that represent teachers have seen their numbers decrease recently and their power wave under attacks from Republicans (i.e. MITT ROMNEY). Chicago is the nation's third largest school district. Chicago officials said at a press conference today that they had made over 20 offers to the union but they apparently did not meet the needs of the workers. This strike appears to affect the election and conventions within the nation. Teachers represent a large number of donations and they are the main ones to vote and believe in reform.

Quote of the Week
"Children must be taught how to think, not what to think." ~ Margaret Mead

Rather than tell kids what to think and what to do, teachers should teach kids to express themselves to the best of their abilities. Children have the best and brightest minds. Their imaginations have no limits. They see what most adults don't see. It is easier for them to understand concepts and ideas if you put it in simple terms because they don't know better. A young adult or an adult is often set in their ways with how they think so it is more difficult. Teachers should not emphasize what to think and how to feel about certain things, but they should encourage children to express how they feel and think long and hard about things.

Puppet shows and books read aloud help students understand concepts better and make it more visual. It makes it easier to get across morals and themes. It also allows teachers a break from the normal routine. When we created our own puppets and had to create a show, it took a lot of effort to make it be simple and comprehendable to younger kids. It allowed us t really think about what we were saying and how we could convey the message we had decided upon. Overall, the puppet show is an innovative and creative way to share creativity, team work, and relaxation.

I enjoyed this week's activities and i think that i have learned ti choose my words wisely. If i want to express something to a child, it has to be a lot simpler than if i were telling someone of my own age. I liked class this week and i thought Melanie's quote was pretty inspirational. I almost felt like it was mainly me expressing how i felt and then Melanie and a few others occasionally saying a comment or question. I like communicating with others how i feel and seeing how they react to it. I am an emotional person, and i have come to really realize that in Teacher Cadet. I also realized this week, that i above all else, am a procastinater. 

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